Morning class today is Contemporary Dance w/ Michelle Heaven

Please note, today’s class is free to attend. To celebrate FRAME, LGI Morning Class will be free from 1-31 March 2023, with special guest teachers on FRAME FRIDAYS. First in, best dressed, no pre-bookings.

Michelle’s class will begin with gentle body awakening and releasing, through cognisance of joint movement, body-mind awareness. Connecting to and drawing upon inner and outer sensory perception. This section may involve contact with others.

Moving on to a series of stretch and warmup exercises to harness body/weight organisation, rhythm and flow through aligned pathways—a mixture of improvised and set material.

Class will gradually build toward choreographed phrase material designed to enjoy sense of flow, explore detail and sink/sync in.

This class is suitable for trained/professional dancers.

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Accessibility at WXYZ Studios