Against the backdrop of a devastating event, four dancers walk the line between individual and shared experience.

Flux Job is the new work by Lucy Guerin Inc, using both choreography and the scripted word to explore how different modes of communication convey meaning.

Four dancers navigate the terrain between individual and shared experience against the backdrop of a devastating event. They investigate the spaces and boundaries that unite and divide, engaging with the danger of proximity and the loneliness of separation in a heightened world.

Guerin has collaborated with celebrated theatre-maker Adena Jacobs to create a work that shifts between the layered, fluctuating language of movement and the more everyday realm of words with finite meanings.

Underneath it all lies the question: who are we when we’re on our own, and who are we with others?

Premiered at Arts House, Melbourne, March 2022

Thank you
This presentation would not have been possible without the generous support of WXYZ Studios.

Lucy Guerin Inc is supported by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its arts and funding advisory body, by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria, and by the City of Melbourne.